In Partnership with

St Agatha’s Parish

North William Street, Dublin D01N7F6

St Laurence O’Toole Parish

Seville Place, North Wall, Dublin D01KN73


15th September 2024. Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. GET BEHIND ME SATAN

8th September 2024. Twenty Third Sunday in ordinary Time THE SAD SIGH OF JESUS

18th August 2024. Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. MY FLESH IS REAL FOOD AND MY BLOOD IS REAL DRINK

11th August 2024. Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. ANYONE WHO EATS THIS BREAD WILL LIVE FOREVER

4th August 2024. Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. JESUS SAYS

21st July 2024. Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. SHEPHERD MUST NOT SLEEP ON THE JOB

14th July 2024. Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. ASHES TO ASHES

7th July 2024. Fourteenth Sunday in ordinary Time. PRIDE RESULTS IN SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS

30th June 2024. Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. FAITH ON EARTH BEGINS THE PROCESS OF ETERNAL LIFE

23rd June 2024. Twelfth Sunday in ordinary Time. HOW TO SAVE A SINKING CHURCH

9th June 2024. Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. NOT EVERY BAPTISED PERSON GETS INTO HEAVEN

2nd June 2024. Corpus Christi.


9th May 2024. Pentecost. THE MISSION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT

5th May 2024. Sixth Sunday of Easter. KEEP THE COMMANDMENT TO LOVE

28th April 2024. Fifth Sunday of Ester. WE ARE ALL SPECIAL BRANCH

21st April 2024. Fourth Sunday of Easter. WHO IS THE SHEPHERD OF MY SOUL

31st March 2024. Easter Sunday. DEATH PROFITS THE SOUL

17th March 2024. ST PATRICK DAY IN LENT

10th March 2024, Fourth Sunday of Lent. REJOICE IN THE GOOD NEWS

3rd March 2024. Third Sunday of Lent. CLEANING THE TEMPLE OF OUR BODY


18th February 2024. First Sunday of Lent. DO YOU BELIEVE THE DEVIL EXISTS TODAY

11th February 2024.Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. THE DISEASE OF SIN SICKENS AND CRIPPLES THE SOUL

4th February 2024. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. JESUS HEALS THE DISEASE OF SIN

28th January 2024. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. THE AUTHORITY OF JESUS CHRIST

21st January 2024. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. MAKE REPARATION BY CONFESSING OUR SINS

14th January 2024. Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. LOOK HARD AT OURSELVES TO SEE


26th November 2023. The Feast of KING OF THE HEART

19th November 2023. Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. INVEST IN OUR FAITH TO REAP A REWARD IN HEAVEN

12th November 2023. Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. WILL I BE FOUND WORTHY TO ENTER HEAVEN?

5th November 2023. Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time. PRIESTS ARE NOT TO SET A POOR EXAMPLE


29th October 2023. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. ON MY FUNERAL DAY, WHAT’LL BE ON MY MEMORY TABLE

15th October 2023. Twenty Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time. WEAR THE GARMENTS OF FAITH AND GOD

8th October 2023. Twenty Seventh Sunday in ordinary Time. THE FERTILE VINEYARD IS THE CHURCH OWNED BY GOD

1st October 2023. Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. THE GRACE OF CONVERSION LEADS TO REPENTANCE

24th September 2023. Twenty Fifth Sunday in ordinary Time. GOD’S MERCY IS UNLIMITED

17th September 2023. Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. FORGIVE IF WE EXPECT FORGIVENESS AFTER DEATH

10th September 2023. Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. A DUTY TO WARN EACH OTHER OF OUR SINS

3rd September 2023. Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. PUT ON THE MIND OF CHRIST

27th August 2023. Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time. KEY OF FAITH IN THE SHAPE OF THE CROSS


13th August 2023. Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. RESURRECTION GOSPEL.

30th July 2023. Seventeenth Sunday in ordinary Time. THE SEARCH FOR HOLINESS

23rd July 2023. Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. HEAVEN EXISTS AS DOES HELL

16th July 2023. Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. SEED IS THE FAITH THAT JESUS SOWS

9th July 2023. Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. HUMILITY IS THE KEY TO GET INTO HEAVEN

2nd July 2023. Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. LOVE OF GOD MUST COME BEFORE LOVE OF FAMILY

25th June 2023. Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time. STARK WARNING BY JESUS TO THOSE WHO REJECT HIM

18th June 2023.  Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. NO SLEEPING ON THE JOB

20th June 2021. Twelfth Sunday in ordinary Time. Jesus Asleep in Boat

13th June 2021. Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Mustard Seed

6th June 2021. The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – Corpus Christi. The Tenth Sunday in ordinary Time. Jesus said: “Take; this is my Body, this is My Blood.”

30th May 2021. Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Ninth Week in Ordinary Time. God the Father is Love, Jesus the Son is Grace, God the Holy Spirit is Communion

23rd May 2021. Eight Week of Easter. Pentecost Sunday

16th May 2021. Seventh Sunday of Easter. The Ascension of The Lord

9th May 2021. Sixth Sunday of Easter. I Command You to Love one Another

2nd May 2021. Fifth Sunday of Easter. I Am the Vine, you are the Branches

25th April 2021. Fourth Sunday of Easter. Vocation Sunday

18th April 2021. Third Sunday of Easter. Jesus Opened Their Minds To Understand Scripture

11th April 2021. Divine Mercy Sunday. Second Sunday after Easter. Any Purgatory Punishment Owed, Paid Off Today in Full

4th April 2021. Easter Sunday. Rejoice! Death Is Not The End of Life

28th March 2021. Palm Sunday. Passover from a Sinful Life to a New Life of Grace

21st March 2021. Fifth Sunday of Lent. We Must Die in Order to Live

14th March 2021. Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday). God The Holy Trinity

7th March 2021. Third week of Lent. Jesus Cleans The Temple of Our Hearts in Confession

28th March 2021. Second Week of Lent. The Transfiguration of Jesus.

21st February 2021. First Week of Lent. The Devil Attempts To Tempt Jesus

14th February 2021. Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Jesus Heals the Leper

7th February 2021. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Jesus Heals Peter’s Mother-in-Law

Tuesday, 2nd February 2021. Feast of Candlemas. The Presentation of the Lord and The Purification of Mary.

31st January. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Jesus Taught With Authority

24tha January 2021. The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. (Sunday of the Word of God) Follow Me.

17th January 2021. Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. God Calls Us to Holiness

10th January 2021. The Baptism of the Lord. Jesus is identified as the Son of God

6th January 2021. The Solemnity of The Epiphany of The Lord. The Wisemen Come to Worship

3rd January 2021. Second Sunday of Christmas. In the Beginning was the Word

1st January 2021. Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God. World Day of peace

25th December 2020. The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Word made Flesh

20th December 2020. Fourth Sunday of Advent. The Annunciation, the Word was made Flesh

13th December 2020. Third Sunday in Advent. Rejoice and be Joyful in the Lord

6th December 2020. Second Sunday of Advent. Voice in the Wilderness

29th November 2020. First Sunday of Advent. Stay Awake. Be on your Guard

22nd November 2020. Solemnity of Christ the king. Last Sunday of the Year. Christ will Come to Judge

15th November 2020. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Used and Buried Talents

8th November 2020. 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Wise and Foolish Virgins

1st November 2020. Sunday All Saints Solemnity. All Called To Be Saints

25th October 2020. 30th Sunday in Ordinary .Time. Love God with all our Heart

17th October 2020. 29th Sunday in ordinary Time. Give to God what belongs to God

11th October 2020. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Invitation to Heavenly Banquet

4th October 2020. 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Tenants Killed the Messengers

27th September 2020. 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Two Sons and The Vineyard

20th September 2020. 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Time Hired  in the Vineyard

13th September 2020. 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time. To be forgiven, we must Forgive.

6th September 2020. 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Brotherly and Sisterly Correction

30th August 2020. 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Get behind me, Satan

23rd August 2020. 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Peter given Keys of Heaven

16th August 2020. 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time The Canaanite Woman

9th August 2020. 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Jesus walks on water

2nd August 2020. 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

26th July 2020. 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

19th July 2020. 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

21st June 2020. Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

14th June 2020. The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

7th June 2020. Trinity Sunday

31st May 2020 Pentecost Sunday

24th May 2020 The Ascention of the Lord

17th May 2020 Sixth Sunday of Easter

10th May 2020 Fifth Sunday of Easter

3rd May 2020 Vocation Sunday

26th April 2020

19th April 2020 Divine Mercy Sunday

12th April 2020 Easter Sunday 

5th April 2020 Palm Sunday

29th March 2020

22nd March 2020

17th March 2020

8th March 2020

1st March 2020

23rd February 2020

16th February 2020

9th February 2020

2nd February 2020

25th January 2020

19th January 2020

12th January 2020

29th December 2019

25th December 2019

22nd December 2019

15th December 2019

9th December 2019

8th December 2019

2nd December 2019

24th November 2019

17th November2019

10th November 2019

3rd November 2019

1st November 2019

27th October 2019

20th October 2019

13th October 2019

6th October 2019

29th September 2019

22nd September 2019

8th September 2019

1st September 2019

25th August 2019

10th February 2019

3rd February 2019

27th January 2019

20th January2019

13th January 2019

30th December 2018

23rd December 2018

16th December 2018

9th December 2018

8th December 2018

2nd December 2018

25th November 2018

18th November 2018

11th November 2018

 4th November 2018

28th October 2018

21st October 2018

7th October 2018

30th September 2018

23rd September 2018

16th September 2018

9th September 2018

2nd September 2018

26th August 2018

19th August 2018

12th August 2018

5th August 2018

29th July 2018

22nd July 2018

15th July 2018

1st July 2018

24th June 2018

 17th June 2018

10th June 2018

3rd June 2018

27th May 2018

20th May 2018

13th May 2018

6th May 2018

28th April 2018

15th April 2018

8th April 2018

1st April 2018 Easter Sunday

25th March 2018

18th March 2018

11th March 2018

4th March 2018

18th February 2018

11th February 2018

4th February 2018

28th January 2018

21st January 2018

14th January 2018

Baptism of the Lord 7th January 2018

Feast of the Holy Family 31st December 2017

4th Sunday of Advent 24th December 2017

3rd Sunday of Advent December 2017

2nd Sunday of Advent December 2017

1st Of Advent December 2017

Feast of Christ the King November 2017

33rd Sunday November 2017

November 2017

28th February 2016

29th November 2015

9th November 2015

6th September 2015

15th February 2015

2nd February 2015

21st December 2014

14th December 2014

30th November 2014

9th November 2014

28th September 2014

31st August 2014

2nd March 2014

2nd February 2013

15th December 2013

24th November 2013

27th October 2013

29th September 2013

13th September 2013

24th March 2013

3rd March 2013

27th January 2013

16th December 2012

28th October 2012

3rd June 2012

29th January 2012

13th November 2011

16th October 2011

11th September 2011

26th June 2011

22nd May 2011

17th April 2011

6th March 2011

21st November 2010

7th November 2010

26h September 2010

29th August 2010

7th March 2010

14th February 2010

31st January 2010

8th November 2009

20th September 2009

30th August 2009

21st June 2009

10th  May 2009

4th April 2009

15th March 2009 

22nd February 2009

25th January 2

14th December 2008

16th November 2008

2nd November 2008

28th September 2008

7th September 2008

17th August 2008

20th July 2008

18th May 2008

Easter 2008

20th April 2008

2nd March 2008

27th January 2008

Christmas 2007

2nd December 2007

18th November 2007

28th October 2007

23rd September 2007

15th July 2007

3rd June 2007

20th May 2007

13th May 2007

Easter 2007

11th March 2007

25th February 2007

28th January 2007

21st January 2007

Christmas 2006

3rd December 2006

26th November 2006

26th November 2006

19th November 2006

29th October 2006

17th September 2006

3rd September 2006

18th June 2006

4th June 2006

14th May 2006

5th May 2006

Easter 2006

30th April 2006

26th March 2006

25th February 2006

29th January 2006

Christmas 2005

27th November 2005

20th November 2005

30th October 2005

16th October 2005

2nd October 2005

18th September 2005

28th August 2005

19th June 2005

29th May 2005

22nd May 2005

1st May 2005

Easter 2005

13th March 2005

6th February 2005

30th January 2005

Christmas 2004

Advent 2004

23rd November 2004

21st November 2004

31st October 2004

10th October 2004

29th August 2004

30th May 2004

16th May 2004

Easter 2004

18th April 2004

22nd February 2004

15th February 2004

1st February 2004

Christmas 2003

30th November 2003

23rd November 2003

16th November 2003

26th October 2003

12th October 2003

14th September 2003

29th June 2003

11th May 2003

Easter 2003

23rd February 2003

2nd February 2003

8th December 2002

25th November 2002

27th October 2002

7th July 2002

12th May 2002

23rd December 2001

28th October 2001