12th January 2025. The Baptism of The Lord. WHY WAS JESUS BAPTISED?
WHY WAS JESUS BAPTISED? The Sacrament of Baptism is a spiritual birth that gives new sacramental life, grace and birth to our souls. In the Stable at Bethlehem, Mother Mary secretly gave birth to the human nature of Jesus. The Father’s voice was silent then, but He...
26th January 2025. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. KISSING THE WORD OF GOD
KISSING THE WORD OF GOD Today we celebrate what is called the Word of God Day. We are called to focus and attentively listen to the content of Holy Scripture in every Sunday Mass. If one cannot remember what the Gospel was, after the Priest proclaims (reads) it, then...
1st December 2024. First Sundy of Advent. STAYING AWAKE, STAYING ALIVE IN CHRIST!
STAYING AWAKE, STAYING ALIVE IN CHRIST! The word Adventus in Latin means, ‘arrival or coming’. The Advent spirit of waiting and longing for Jesus reminds us of our daily call to holiness. Jesus is not just asking us to prepare ourselves to celebrate the Christmas...
24th November 2024. Feast of Christ the King. WHAT WERE YOU BORN FOR?
WHAT WERE YOU BORN FOR? Today we celebrate Christ as King of our hearts and the Universe. Wherever Christ is present, there is the Kingdom of God. Our heart is His throne. The Kingdom is not a geographical country with borders or boundaries. It exists in every home...
17th November 2024. Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. ARE YOU READY FOR THE END OF THE WORLD
ARE YOU READY FOR THE END OF THE WORLD? In today's Gospel (Mk 13:24-32), Jesus warns us to be on our guard, because we do not know the day or the hour when we will be called from our time on earth and be answerable to Him on the day of judgement. He speaks about the...
10th November 2024. Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. DO I REALLY TRUST JESUS?
DO I REALLY TRUST JESUS? In today’s Gospel (Mk 12: 38-44) and in the first reading (1 Kings 17:10-16), the actions of both widows portray the image of Jesus, who gave everything of Himself away to benefit us. He wants us to give away our freewill to God, in place of...
3rd November 2024. Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time PEACE IS THE PROFIT OF TRUE LOVE
PEACE IS THE PROFIT OF TRUE LOVE Love is the theme in the commandments. It comes from the Greek word ‘agape’, which means ‘a love that benefits the other person’. If we put other people first before ourselves, then we live in the likeness of Jesus. The scribe said...
20th October 2024. Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. TO DRINK FROM THE CUP OF SUFFERING IS TO DIE TO SIN
TO DRINK FROM THE CUP OF SUFFERING IS TO DIE TO SIN In today’s Gospel (Mk 10:35-45), the baptism Jesus refers to that He must enter is His suffering, crucifixion, death and resurrection (Mk 10:35-45). Like a baptism, He will be immersed down into death and then emerge...
13th October 2024. Twenty Eight Sunday in ordinary Time. WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO ENTER HEAVEN
WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO ENTER HEAVEN? A rich person who does not act as Jesus teaches is gambling with their inheritance and claim of eternal life. All of us are rich, until such a time that we allow Jesus to reign our lives. If our hearts are attached to something...
6th October 2024. Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. WE MUST NOT DIVORCE OURSELVES FROM GOD
WE MUST NOT DIVORCE OURSELVES FROM GOD To hear and understand Jesus’ teachings, one must listen with a humble heart, like a child wanting to learn, in order to hear the heavenly Truth. This is why Jesus says today, let the little children come to me (Mark 10:2-16). To...