9th June 2024. Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. NOT EVERY BAPTISED PERSON GETS INTO HEAVEN
NOT EVERY BAPTISED PERSON GETS INTO HEAVEN This Sunday’s theme is teaching us not to take God for granted. Adam and Eve (Gen 3:9-15) showed their contempt for God by allowing their pride to develop a sense of entitlement and ownership for everything that God had given...
2nd June 2024. Corpus Christi. “TAKE IT, THIS IS MY BODY”.
“TAKE IT, THIS IS MY BODY”. Listening to Jesus talk about eating His Body and drinking His Blood, appears to be a primitive recipe for cannibalism. However, He is not inviting us to eat His Human Body, but to eat His Sacramental Body. At the last Supper (Mk...
THE NATURE OF GOD REVEALED IN THE HOLY TRINITY Everything in Christianity is sourced from the Blessed Trinity, in whose Name, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, welcomed us into the Family of the Church through the Sacrament of Baptism (Mt 28:16-20). The Father is the...
THE MISSION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: THE ADVOCATE Today we celebrate Pentecost, marking the descent of the Holy Spirit from Heaven. The Spirit gives us new life in the Lord and changes our outlook on life. The Spirit is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, and is the...
5th May 2024. Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. KEEP THE COMMANDMENT TO LOVE
KEEP THE COMMANDMENT TO LOVE The Commandments awaken the love of Christ within us. They promote us to give our love away, and not be selfish with it. In today’s world, many Christians, see the commandments, which are the divine will and law of God, as an obstacle for...
28th April 2024. Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. WE ARE ALL SPECIAL BRANCH
WE ARE ALL SPECIAL BRANCH In today’s Gospel (John 15:1-8), Jesus compares Himself as a Vine tree, and God the Father, as the Vinedresser, who, like a gardener, prunes and shapes the branches of a plant, to make them stronger, in order to grow and survive the hard...
21st April 2024. Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. WHO IS THE SHEPHERD OF MY SOUL?
WHO IS THE SHEPHERD OF MY SOUL? With Jesus revealing Himself as the Good Shepherd (Jn 10:11-18), He is also implying that there is a Bad shepherd out there, who has no relationship with the Truth. The Bad Shepherd deceitfully calls and lures his flock to choose Death...
31st March 2024. Easter Sunday. DEATH PROFITS THE SOUL
Very interesting - I draw your attention to paragraph 3! DEATH PROFITS THE SOUL Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early that [Sunday] morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb (John 20:1-9). Before the resurrection from the dead, the...
17th March 2024. St. Patrick’s Day. A HAPPY AND BLESSED ST. PATRICK’S DAY!
A HAPPY AND BLESSED ST. PATRICK’S DAY! We continue with the readings from the fifth Sunday of Lent on Patrick’s day. He was from Scotland and at sixteen, was captured by Irish raiders who put him into slavery, herding sheep here in Ireland. He eventually escaped and...
10th March 2024. Fourth Sunday of Lent. REJOICE IN THE GOOD NEWS
REJOICE IN THE GOOD NEWS Today is called Laetare (Rejoice) Sunday. It’s a day for rejoicing in anticipation for the coming of Easter Sunday. We are midway through Lent and if we have stopped our fasting and sacrifices, we are encouraged to renew them again today! The...