8th September 2024. Twenty Third Sunday in ordinary Time. THE SAD SIGH OF JESUS
THE SAD SIGH OF JESUS The model of healing that Jesus administers to the deaf and dumb man in today’s Gospel (Mark 7:31-37), is the same healing ritual that is administered in the Sacrament of Baptism, which loosens us free from the impediment of original sin and...
18th August 2024. Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. MY FLESH IS REAL FOOD AND MY BLOOD IS REAL DRINK
MY FLESH IS REAL FOOD AND MY BLOOD IS REAL DRINK In today's Gospel (Jn 6:51-58), Jesus is again highlighting what Holy Communion is. He offers us His Eucharistic Flesh and Blood to eat and drink as Real food and drink for the soul. At Mass, the bread and wine are...
11th August 2024. Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. ANYONE WHO EATS THIS BREAD WILL LIVE FOREVER
ANYONE WHO EATS THIS BREAD WILL LIVE FOREVER Jesus continues reminding us in the Church, to recognise His presence in the Eucharist. He explains that He is the Bread of Life that came down from heaven (Jn 6:41-51). He said that anyone who eats this Bread has eternal...
4th August 2024. Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. JESUS SAYS: I AM THE [EUCHARIST] BREAD OF LIFE
JESUS SAYS: I AM THE [EUCHARIST] BREAD OF LIFE Jesus did not dismiss the importance of physical sustenance. He fed the hungry, the poor, and the multitude in the desert, showing deep concern for their basic nutritional needs. However, after addressing their physical...
21st July 2024. Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. SHEPHERD MUST NOT SLEEP ON THE JOB
SHEPHERD MUST NOT SLEEP ON THE JOB Today, God is warning clergy and religious (Jer 23:1-6) not to forget that we work for Him alone. We have been given charge to gather the people into His Church and not have them scattered all over the place, ignorant of their...
14th July 2024. Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. ASHES TO ASHES, DUST TO DUST
ASHES TO ASHES, DUST TO DUST We were first brought into a spiritual existence by God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in heaven. That’s why our true home is heaven because it’s where we were chosen before the world was ever made (Eph1:3-14). This is our...
7th July 2024. Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. “TAKE IT, THIS IS MY BODY”.
“TAKE IT, THIS IS MY BODY”. Listening to Jesus talk about eating His Body and drinking His Blood, appears to be a primitive recipe for cannibalism. However, He is not inviting us to eat His Human Body, but to eat His Sacramental Body. At the last Supper (Mk...
30th June 2024. Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. FAITH ON EARTH BEGINS THE PROCESS OF ETERNAL LIFE
FAITH ON EARTH BEGINS THE PROCESS OF ETERNAL LIFE Jesus came into the world to launch an attack on death and to bring new life to the faithful. He works two signs of healing in the Gospel today (Mk 5:21-43), in order to tell us that neither suffering nor death have...
23rd June 2024. Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time. HOW TO SAVE A SINKING CHURCH
HOW TO SAVE A SINKING CHURCH Today’s Gospel (Mk 4:35-41) is about awakening the faith that Catholics sometimes leave dormant in the vessel of their hearts. Today, we learn that God (Jesus) controls the oceans, the wind and even the waves (Job 38:1,8-11). This will...
9th June 2024. Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. NOT EVERY BAPTISED PERSON GETS INTO HEAVEN
NOT EVERY BAPTISED PERSON GETS INTO HEAVEN This Sunday’s theme is teaching us not to take God for granted. Adam and Eve (Gen 3:9-15) showed their contempt for God by allowing their pride to develop a sense of entitlement and ownership for everything that God had given...