Everything in Christianity is sourced from the Blessed Trinity, in whose Name, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, welcomed us into the Family of the Church through the Sacrament of Baptism (Mt 28:16-20). The Father is the Word, who utters the Truth, and the Truth is Jesus Christ (Jn 14:6), whose active presence in the world becomes visible through the Holy Spirit. God is Three Persons in One. God is Love, not in the oneness of a single Person, but in the Trinity of one substance. He is the Creator and merciful Father. He is the Only-Begotten Son, eternal Wisdom incarnate, who died and rose for us. He is the Holy Spirit who moves all things, cosmos and history, toward their final end. That is why we use the term con-substantial (of the same substance), when we profess the Sunday Creed. To help us understand the mystery in human terms, let us look at a man who is first born into the world as a son, then later he becomes a father and later again, he becomes a grandfather. He becomes three persons in one but is still one equal substance and one nature. The spirit of love for his family is sourced from his one heart, but is communicated in different ways throughout the history of his lifetime. In the same way as one woman can be a daughter, mother and grandmother at the same time.
The Spirit’s Mission is to sanctify (make holy) the Members of the Church, beginning at Baptism. God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts. We worship the Holy Trinity in Mass all the time by repeating prayers Three times to Him. For example, we begin by recognising the Trinity when we bless ourselves and when the priests welcomes everybody saying; the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship (or communion) of the Holy Spirit be with you all. We confess three times to the Triune God that our sins are committed; (1) Through my fault, (2) through my fault, (3) through my most grievous fault. Entering into the Consecration, we worship each Person of the Trinity; Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts. The Priest continues; (1) Through Him, (2) With Him and (3) In Him. Mass gives us a sense of Trinity. Today’s Feast, helps us to enter into the identity of God, who is communion and perfect Love. We recognise in the Trinity the Model of the Church, in which we are called to love each other. Love is the badge of the Christian. The Unity of the Holy Trinity is Love. A Love shared with us, and in turn, for us to share with each other. God bless, Fr. Brendan.