In Partnership with

St Agatha’s Parish

North William Street, Dublin D01N7F6

St Laurence O’Toole Parish

Seville Place, North Wall, Dublin D01KN73

31st March 2024. Easter Sunday. DEATH PROFITS THE SOUL

Very interesting – I draw your attention to paragraph 3!
Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early that [Sunday] morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb (John 20:1-9). Before the resurrection from the dead, the stone blocking any entrance to a tomb, stood for the finality of death. But Jesus rolls away that stone, revealing that Death is not a finality, but a New beginning that profits the soul with a New Life. The Cross that Jesus died on is the Key that unlocks us from the grave of our sins, allowing us to rise from the dead. If we willing enter into our own earthly passion and accept the Cross, that God sends us now, then it will eventually open the Gate to Eternal Life for us beyond this world. There are terms and conditions for this special Key to work. Like Christ on the Cross, we too, must also die, but to our sinful way of life, in order for the New Life to begin to grow in us now.
We are asked to enter into Holy Communion with Christ, while living on earth, and to receive Him in a state of Grace. This can only happen if we go to regular Confession, where we experience a spiritual resurrection of our heart and soul. In confession, Jesus spiritually raises us out of our repented sins, when we say “sorry” to Him with our lips, that come from a contrite heart. We must begin to acquire a fresh spiritual way of thinking, by putting on the mind-set of Christ, and allow Him to change our hardened sinful hearts of stone, into hearts of love, truth, charity and holiness. We must have a heart that will welcome the Word of God (Eph 4:23-24). St. Paul reminds us today (Col 3:1-4), that our thoughts are to be on heavenly things and not on things that are on earth. Since we have committed to die to sin, then we have chosen a new life, which is hidden with Christ. Our life must be Christ, if we intend spending eternity with Him in Heaven. We must not reject the Corner Stone, but align ourselves to the foundation stone of the Church and follow Christ’s Path (Matt 21: 42). St. Paul tells us elsewhere (1Corinthians 5:6-8), to clear out the old yeast, so that we may become a fresh batch of dough, meaning to clear out the old sin from our hearts, so that we may become a fresh spiritual being. To purify the hearts entails sharing the weight of the Cross in my Life, and like Jesus, offer it up to God for the redemption of the sinful world. Souls who reject their Cross on earth and constantly complain, will have difficulty opening the Gate.
Back in the days of the disciples, it was a Hebrew tradition at the dinner table, that if the master of the house left the table, but intended to return back to his place later, he would roll-up his dinner napkin, placing it neatly on his plate mat, which indicated to his servants, that he was returning back to the table. So the servants would await attentively for his return. If the master of the house left the napkin crunched-up and untidy on the table, it indicated he was finished and was not returning. Jesus, the Master of the Church (House of God), folded and rolled up His linen cloth, separately in the tomb, putting it in a neat place by itself, indicating to His disciples that He was returning from the dead, to the Banquet Table (the Altar), as Living Bread.
When you are eating your chocolate Easter Egg today, be aware that it is a symbol of the Resurrection. Just as Jesus rose and emerged from the sealed tomb in a New Risen Body, so too, does the new life of a chicken emerge from a sealed egg shell in its new body. A miracle! The Easter Bunnies (Rabbits) represent symbols of abundant new life in the spring season. The Good News of the Gospel, is that .Jesus is New Life in every Season. A Joyful and Blessed Easter to everybody from the Wonderful Team of Sr. Bridget, Sr. Nuala, Olive, Paddy, Pat, Maureen, Marta, Marian, The Two Marys (Morning Rosary Team) and myself. God bless, Fr Brendan.