In Partnership with

St Agatha’s Parish

North William Street, Dublin D01N7F6

St Laurence O’Toole Parish

Seville Place, North Wall, Dublin D01KN73

15th October 2023. Twenty Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time. WEAR THE GARMENTS OF FAITH AND GOD’S WILL

In today’s Gospel (Matt 22:1-14), we are identified as a Family of Christians, invited by God, to the Wedding-Banquet of His Son Jesus in Heaven. This anticipated sacred union is often portrayed as a Marriage Supper (Rev 19:6-8). Blessed are those called to the Supper of the Lamb. Those on earth, who put on the Garments of God’s Divine Will, are found worthy to enter. But not all in the Family are interested in taking up the invitation seriously. They’re not bothered in dressing their souls in the robes of holiness and purity. They foolishly don’t prepare. The wedding garment in the parable symbolises the wedding guest. The getting ready begins now, by putting on the mind of Christ, which is to clothe ourselves now with the robe of salvation. This is achieved by seeing the world through the eyes of faith. The authentic guest will resemble the image of Christ.
It is not enough to accept the invitation to follow Christ, unless we are open to a journey of conversion, which changes the heart. God constantly offers us a garment of mercy in confession, but many reject it, preferring to wear the cloak of sin. The man who was found without the proper wedding clothes, is not just thrown out of the Banquet, but is bound hand and foot, and cast into darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Regrettably, many souls blindly accept Satan’s invitation to join him in Hell. This Gospel is a Judgment scene that so many Christians refuse to believe, will happen to them. The Banquet celebration will include the unexpected, in the poor and the needy, who through their hardships (Phil 4:12-20), never lost faith. Jesus invites us into a Holy Communion with Him in Sunday Mass, but again, many reject His Words to come in memory of Him. To reject this earthly invitation, will result in our excommunication from the eternal Mass Banquet, in the life of the world to come. Heaven’s way of life is not an extension of our worldly way of life. We have to understand that everybody in Heaven lives exclusively according to God’s Will. That divine Will has to be part of our lives now. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Our desire to go to Heaven has to be to see the Holy Face of Jesus, first and foremost, and not members of our deceased family, who sadly, may not be in Heaven at all. Let’s not fool ourselves and let’s ask ourselves today: am I wearing a garment of sin or a garment of holiness? It is never too late to change our lives and experience the love of God in our lives now. Let us replace the dark filthy garment of sin with a white garment, first placed on us in baptism. God bless, Fr. Brendan.