In Partnership with

St Agatha’s Parish

North William Street, Dublin D01N7F6

St Laurence O’Toole Parish

Seville Place, North Wall, Dublin D01KN73


Today we celebrate Pentecost, marking the descent of the Holy Spirit from Heaven. The Spirit gives us new life in the Lord and changes our outlook on life. The Spirit is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, and is the active presence of Jesus on earth. He becomes visible in the Church and its Sacraments. The Holy Spirit is the Advocate, the One who supports our desire to get to heaven. The Holy Spirit gives new life to the bread and wine on the Altar, by transubstantiating (converting) them into the Body and Blood of Jesus. The Spirit becomes visible in tongues of fire (Acts 2:1-11), encouraging us all to speak of the Good News. We are called to set the world on fire with our faith and to verbally bear witness to the Word of God, speaking in the language of Love and Mercy. When the Son, Jesus, completed the works, with which the Father had entrusted to Him on earth, the Holy Spirit was then sent on Pentecost, to sanctify the Church forever. This enables believers to have access to the Father, through Jesus Christ, in the One Spirit. Through Him, the Father gives new life to humanity, who are spiritually dead because of sin. The Spirit instils into us His life-giving power, awakening our souls from the death of sin. He enables the Church to grow and perpetually renew itself from generation to generation, especially when its members go to regular confession. The Spirit can never die.
The instinct of faith is awakened and kept alive in us by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit distributes special graces, and when we, the faithful, open our hearts and accept these special graces, we become equipped with an eagerness for various activities and responsibilities, that benefit the Church’s renewal. All gifts of the Spirit, should be accepted with a sense of gratitude and compassion, because they answer and serve the needs of the Church and each other. The Holy Spirit changes our lives on earth and beyond the grave, by raising us from the dead, and giving a new life to the spiritual soul. One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is to instil a fear for the Day of Judgement. We pray in hope, to be saved, since we are not saved yet (Rom 8:5-27). We must allow the outpouring of the Spirit enter our hearts, in order to be saved. Like parched ground, which yields no harvest, unless it receives moisture, we too, need the abundant ‘rainfall’ of the Spirit, to be able to produce the fruits of holiness, purity and love. The gifts of the Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel (guidance), fortitude (strength), knowledge, piety (holiness) and the fear of God. The Archdiocese Novena to the Holy Spirit for the renewal of the faith in the Church concludes today. God bless, Fr Brendan.